House Sleuths
House Sleuths has partnered with Charlotte Mosquito Exterminator to give any of your clients that get a home inspection with House Sleuths a free Mosquito Treatment or Exterior Pest Control Treatment their choice. ($125 value free) They can use it up to a year from the time they buy the property. Many clients love to use the Mosquito Treatments when they are moving in so they and their helpers do not get bit up during move in. A lot of your clients will also use the mosquito treatment for a housewarming party or celebration.
Real Estate inspections start at $299.
Radon testing on its own is $175 with a home inspection it is $125.
Termite and wood destroying insect inspection is $75
Water testing $80-$300+ Depending on parameters
Asbestos Testing
Lead Testing
Mold Testing
Your personalized thank you gift certificate from Charlotte Mosquito Exterminators is sent to your clients once their home inspection is complete. Thank you we look forward to working with you and your clients!
Christopher Fowler
Just received this review from customer
Mathew H. National Housing Coordinator for a National Fraternity
Chris and his company are great! He responded within the hour that I put a request in. After a quick phone call he was able to schedule the review and be at the house within the week. His report is one of the most detailed reports I have ever seen. His work is spectacular and deserves to be recognized. If you are purchasing a house please consider Chris in your next purchase!